Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's been in the 80's and unbreathably humid the past few days in Minneapolis, revealing to all confused non-Minnesotans the reason why this supposedly cold northern state is home to the same vampiric insects as equatorial Africa. I have five mosquito bites already. Argh.

But on the brighter (and cooler) side, I invented an orange smoothie the other day. It's incredibly easy to make, and tastes a bit like a Creamsicle and a bit like an Orange Julius. And I'm too lazy to figure out the nutrition information, but since it contains nothing but orange juice and soymilk, it's probably way better for you than it tastes like.

You'll need
4 cups of orange juice (I use Simply Orange original without pulp)
4 cups of vanilla-flavored soymilk (I use Very Vanilla, the extra-vanilla variety from Silk)
An ice cube tray
A blender
A pitcher

Mix the orange juice and soymilk in the pitcher.
Pour into the ice cube tray until the tray is full.
Freeze the ice cube tray; refrigerate the leftover liquid.
When cubes are frozen, put them in the blender with enough of the liquid to cover them.
Puree until the mixture is the consistency of a smoothie.
Pour into cups and drink.

Hope that helps cool off someone else's summer. Now I'm gonna go clean the apartment. Later.

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