Thursday, February 09, 2012

New review of Kea's Flight has a very nice review of Kea's Flight! Thank you very much, Richard Bunning.

In other news, I am almost finished with my story collection "If the World Ended, Would I Notice? and Other Stories." I'm hoping to self-publish it around the same time that Machine of Death 2 comes out-- so that anyone who likes my short story in that anthology will have other short stories of mine to read if they want more. (Also, if it comes out in 2012, it may get more attention from people who are interested in reading about the world ending. It does have a couple stories dealing with variations on that topic, but not anything like the dubious theories surrounding this year.)

John and I are also working on a cookbook/memoir (recipes from our weird kitchen, interspersed with stories from our weird lives). I just added a recipe for oven-baked french fries that I invented last night. I call them French Frakes, since I can't figure out whether they're fried or baked. It's done in the oven, but in a baking pan with lots of oil. Amusingly, the name sounds like what you get if you cross Captain Jean-Luc Picard with the actor who plays his second-in-command.

What else is going on? Well, I'm trying my hand at gardening. In the corner room of our apartment, which has two windows, one of which faces south, I'm growing some vegetables. They're on a shelf by the south-facing window, getting some additional help from fluorescent lights.

These are my bush beans, potatoes, carrots, dill, spinach, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. We'll see what survives.

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